Spectrum Editors

Happily ever aftercare Gemstone
care guide

A little TLC

Looking for the best ways to keep your precious Loupe gemstone in perfect condition?
You’re in the right place. No stone should be left unturned when it comes to
gemstone aftercare, so follow these tips for your happily ever aftercare.

Precious by name, precious by nature

Gemstones aren’t as hard as diamonds, so extra care is needed when wearing them as rings to avoid knocks, bangs and scratches.

Your gemstone jewellery pieces also need care and attention when you’re not wearing them. Make sure they are stored carefully (they don’t like to be touching) and away from direct sunlight.

We’ve included some tailored tips for each gemstone below.

Gemstone Golden Rules

The golden rules of gemstone care

Take off your gemstones...

  • When showering or soaking - particularly with chlorine as this can really damage them.
  • When applying perfume, hair products or hand sanitiser. Or just put your gemstone jewellery on last.
  • When sleeping, cooking, or cleaning – and if any chemicals come into contact, just rinse them off.

Leave no stone unturned

Aftercare isn’t just an afterthought at Loupe. You are always welcome to bring your jewellery in to us for a little TLC.

Drop in for a complimentary deep clean, polish and inspection any time at one of our Loupe boutiques – we recommend a monthly ‘glow up’ to keep your piece looking beautiful. Plus, it’s the perfect excuse for a glass of fizz or relaxing coffee.

For white gold jewellery, we also offer a complimentary rhodium plating service. Because white gold is finished with a rhodium plating to give a lustrous, bright white finish, it can break down over time and may need replating.

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